The most widely recognized kind of hearing loss is sensorineural
hearing loss. It is caused by harm to the fragile hair cells in the internal
ear as well as the nerve pathways that convey sound to the brain. It’s been
reported that the majority of the individuals with some form of the hearing
issue have hearing loss have this type, and causes for it varies.
- Damage to the inner ear because of ageing and exposure to loud noises. This may lead to the hairs or auditory nerve cells in the cochlea being damaged. The brain understands that it’s a sound once these tiny hairs send electrical sound signals up to it. In the case these hairs are damaged or missing, the signals aren't carried well leading to hearing loss.
- Gradual buildup of earwax is known to block the ear canal and restrict the sound waves from travelling.
- Ear infection and abnormal bone growths or tumours are also known to cause hearing loss.
- Ruptured eardrum is usually caused by series of very loud noises or in some cases caused by a loud blast, sudden change in air pressure, or jabbing the eardrum with an object, or an ear infection which may cause the eardrum to rupture.
In the case of less severe
hearing loss, the doctor may recommend a minor surgery.
Though most doctors would ask patients to follow the below points so the noise-induced hearing loss may be prevented which get worse with age:
- Wear protective gears, in the workplace that comes with high-intensity sounds. Restricting the time and intensity of the exposure to noise can protect the eardrums.
- Getting the hearing tested in case the patient hears muffled sounds and is asking to repeat, for a prolonged period.
- Avoid increasing the volume in the earphones.
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